Monday, November 15, 2010

Baby shopping: ethics, fiction and the marketization of human reproduction

We are big fans of the power of film to illuminate business ethics issues, but we don't often discuss the role of fiction.  But that doesn't mean we're not interested in it. And to prove the point, we thought we'd point out that a short story written by Andy has been short-listed for a writing prize, the AnyBook Award, organized by the American Book Centre in Amsterdam.

The theme of the competition is Redesign Your World, and Andy's entry "Baby Shopping" is all about the marketization of human reproduction. It doesn't offer any ethical answers or certainties, but uses fiction to explore what happens when the emancipatory forces of choice get the better of ethical considerations ... and the very human problems that ensue. It's all focused around personal relationships rather than abstract ethics, which is where fiction has some obvious obvious advantages over our more usual academic writing. It's not to be taken too seriously, but if you've ever cringed about stories of celebrity adoptions, or wondered whether you really could get just anything on the interenet, you might want to take a read. The competition limited entries to 1000 words so it won't take long! 

For the next week, until 22nd Nov 2010, the top 10 shortlist are the subject of a public vote, so if you like Andy's entry, do give it your vote. The other shortlisted pieces (which include art and poetry as well as short stories) are certainly worth a read too, and in keeping with the Redesign Your World theme, some include strong sustainability themes. So stop reading this and step into the creative world with us for a minute.

Photo by ^^TILSIM^^. Reproduced under Creative Commons License

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